2025 Retreats

Did you know you can rent our space for your OWN retreat? Bring your group to Lake Louise. Contact Greg Lawton, glawton@lakelouisecommunity.org or 231-549-2728 for available dates.

Maple Syrup Camp

March 28-30, 2025

Ages: 18+ (children welcome with adult chaperones)   Cost: $100 for the full weekend and $40 for just Saturday

Curious about how maple syrup is made? Come to camp to learn and help in the process. Lake Louise has been tapping its maple trees for the past few years and you can be part of turning sap into syrup. Our days will be spent learning about and working on syrup production and our evenings will include time for rest, renewal and worship. Lodging and all meals provided with registration.


Spring Volunteer Service Weekend

April 25-27, 2025

Ages: 18+ (children welcome with adult chaperones)   Cost: $75

Lend a hand at camp and in our community while you refresh your spirit. Saturday
morning will be our annual Make A Difference Day when we complete projects in our
community like cleaning up a stretch of US-131, planting trees, preparing a
community garden, and trail clearing. We’ll be working on projects at camp the
rest of the weekend and in the evenings we’ll enjoy devotions and songs around the campfire. Lodging and all meals provided with registration.